Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just Do It

Whatever it is.

The Marine Corps Marathon was in DC today. I caught the tail end of the race in Crystal City as the last of the runners were approaching the 23 mile mark. There were all kinds of people that were getting it done.

I couldn't help but think that running a marathon is a lot like starting a business. When you first have the idea people are skeptical. They don't know if it is something you are truly committed to or just a fly by night idea that you will shelve sooner rather than later. You start out with gusto training for a marathon and getting a business off the ground. In the process, your body takes a beating both physically and mentally. Your knees hurt pounding the pavement as you chalk up the miles week after week. Your head hurts crunching numbers in an effort to improve your business' bottom line. You question what the hell made you want to do this in the first place. After an invigorating run or closing a deal you remember why you did it. Your focus is renewed and you get out there day after day. You just do it.

Like the people I saw at today's marathon, some were slow-going, some were visibly injured, some were cruising along, and some were really struggling. What I saw was a snapshot in time as they were 23 miles deep. All I know is they kept putting one foot in front of the other and somewhere down the road is their finish line.

1 comment:

  1. Great post my love. I think you are really insightful. Starting TTFR was (and continues to be) a marathon...and we aren't even close to the finish line. At mile 5, 10, 12, and 15 we really, truly thought about throwing in the towel. At various points along the way, Sidney or I said F' this... This is just TOO painful and this is costing us WAY too much money, but here's a great lesson for those who want to successfully run a marathon or start a businesss....

    Run with someone... especially someone you trust and one that will push you when you feel like quitting. It also lessons the pain. Trust me.
