Thursday, May 31, 2007

Yes I'll do it, When Do I leave

The Heart of a Volunteer
I will never again volunteer for anything in such great stature again! Nothing I can and will ever come close to when I Volunteered. That word "Volunteer" just isnt the same to me anymore! I used to volunteer to take out the trash when my parents asked of their 3 children, "who's gonna take out the trash?" Little ol me "I'll do it!" I used to volunteer to sit out on some baseball games just so that another kid has an oppertunity to get his baseball skills better! "Coach I'll do it, I'll sit out this game!" and I used to volunteer to rap first at a show because the other artist didn't want to perform first. "I'll do it then, I dont careif there's only 10 people here!" All my life I have "volunteered" for something, the constant "I'll do it" coming out of my mouth, my whole life!

On August 19th, 2005 I "Volunteered" for something so much bigger than myself. I received a call from a Captain, named CPT Commo asking me if I wanted to "Volunter" for a unit who were about to deploy to Iraq in just 2 short days and that this unit was short on Soldiers, that they need more Soldiers to fight. "Wow" I thought to myself. I have a wife and I got kids, and all I have is just 2 short days to get everything ready? 2 short days and i'm leaving everything and everyone I love for a whole year? Should I do it? I asked myself, as I took a couple of seconds to think. 2 days? Damn! CPT Como said "SGT Barillaro, you there?" Yes Sir I'm here, I replied. My country was calling me to go and fight, I can't say no! Soldiers in a unit was short handed and needed my help! There I go with the "I'll do it" attitude again!!!!! I replied with the uppermost confidence and Motivation I ever had, YES SIR!!! Count me IN!!! when do I leave?

I took those 2 days to get ready, getting all my gear packed up, getting all the info on were I will be flying to, and saying good bye to my family and friends. Spending every moment I can with my wife and kids. And in just after those 2 short days I boarded a plane to go meet up with my new family in which I will be there brother for the next year plus!

The Aftermath of "Volunteering"

Now I am in the states after serving and volunteering. Now Living at Ft. Bliss Texas. I no longer have a person whom which I call my wife anymore, and I will never have a relationship with my kids that I used to have. I have been in fire fights with the enemy (Wild Cats I love ya'll) I have seen friends get blown up by road side bombs. Visited friends in the hospital who got hit by the emeny (SGT Laterno Im glade you still with us). Seen missing legs and arms of Soldiers laying in the hospital bed, Soldiers burnt by fire over 70% of thier body. I have seen and felt pain America!!!! All of this just because of a 2 min. conversation with CPT Como asking if I wanted to "Volunteer." and I said YES?????????????

A friend of mine asked me the other day. If I could go back in time, would I have told CPT Commo No, and that I didn't want to "Volunteer." and I relied by saying........."If I could go back in time, to the same time of the conversation I had with CPT Commo, I would tell him this........YES Sir!!! count me IN!!!! and when do I leave?"I don't regreat anything I do, I am who I am. I am a very proud man! Since I was just a lil boy I always said YES and I'll do it, now that I am older why stop saying YES now? To many people in this world say that word NO already!Therefore I tell you all this...................... YES! I WILL DO IT! When do I eave?

Respectfully submitted,
Soldier Hard
19kilo US Army Armor Corps.
Support Us by SOLDIER HARD directed by Delby Imagine McAllen

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Where has the tradition gone?

How many people join the military out of family tradition? Where has that tradition gone? Where are the fathers who served in Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, etc. telling their children that it's an honor and a privelege to serve ones' country like their fathers told them having served in WW2? Will I not stress the obligation of duty to one's country to my children? I myself believe every person that enters the United States to live should have to serve the country in some manner for a certain amount of it 2 or 3 years. Not mandatory military service, but in the Peace Corps, teaching in Urban Schools, being a Police Officer, Firefighter, Nurse, Doctor....just something that allows a person to feel like they gave some time and effort to helping others and did their duty to make the United States a better country. Where are the sons and daughters of the wealthy who will fight beside the poor and middle class? Where is that family tradition? Will Gen. Powell's children serve? Will Gen. Shinseki's? How about Gen Wesley Clark? John McCain? Chuck Hagel? Gen. Petraeus? John Kerry? I think it is not only our obligation to serve our country, but to instill that same sense of pride in our children. Seperate politics and war from actual service. It says a lot about a man or woman who has served whether their children grow up with that same sense of duty to one's country....and if you are a father or mother and your children are teachers or proud....

As's not about the politics with's about doing the right thing for the country.

Sean Gilfillan

CO-founder of To The Fallen Records

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I like your yellow ribbon..

We here at TTFR think that yellow ribbons are pretty.

The way that the ribbon crosses in the middle and has those bold black letters rounding the corner adds something really special to the back of your four door.

There are so many other ribbons out there that you could have, red, black, pink, and even multi-colored, but you have yellow.

We applaud your support of the troops a la bumper magnet.

Many of you yellow-ribboners go above and beyond that.

Some do not and the list below is for you...please actively do something that benefits a service member, as opposed to the corporation that has reaped millions in magnet profits.

There are thousands more worthy organizations that you can donate your time and dollars to...pick one!

Commenters...feel free to add links to the military organizations that you support.

MySpace is great, but....

We love MySpace just like everyone else, but we wanted to create a smaller community for our artists and potential artists, as well as our supporters to come together. Everyone from TTFR will be on here at some point with something intelligent (hopefully) or at least some useful information like how to double-check the track listing with the actual CD before you send it to be manufactured. That should save you some money.