Monday, October 19, 2009

Arrogance is counter-productive

If you think you are that great of a musician, send the label an mp3. TTFR will decide if your talent is right for our next project or the one after that or the one after that. It may be or it may not be. Don't tell us how great you are. We don't expect you to beg us to listen to your track or even be somewhat appreciative. TTFR loves getting new music. It's like Christmas on a daily basis...visions of new compilations dance in our heads. We're happy you want us to listen to your music and more often that not, we really like it. Don't ruin it by being a jackass.


  1. My bass guitar instructor once told me: "The better you are, the more you know there's improvement to be acheived." :)

    Peace, C.

  2. A-Rod is arrogant, but you can see why. He is awesome. Kanye is arrogant, but again, you see that he is a platinum selling even though we might hate him for being arrogant, we can understand why he would be. He has something there to inflate his head.

    However, when you are arrogant...AND you have nothing to be arrogant about...then people will just write you off as an assclown.
